Companies are consistently under pressure to control the costs associated with employee benefits while attracting and retaining high quality employees. Vista Wealth Management assists companies to accomplish this goal by offering the following employee benefit services:
- Retirement savings products like umbrella pension/provident funds and group retirement annuities
- Group risk products can include life insurance, disability, income protection and funeral cover for employees
- Medical aid
It is important to note that Vista Wealth Management will assist in the design, implementation, day-to-day management and monitoring of the employee benefits solutions:
- What is it that the client wants to achieve with their employee benefits?
- Benefit structure: Own fund, Umbrella or Group RA
- Type of fund: Pension or Provident
- Defined benefit vs. defined contribution
- Contribution categories
- Medical aid structure
- Risk structure (life, disability, income protection, funeral, education protector)
- Shopping around for different providers (pension and risk)
- Helping clients compare providers (cost vs. benefits)
- Fees: understanding and explaining costs to employers and employees
- Choosing a suitable default/portfolio construction for the membership base (ensure it’s appropriate for the majority of members)
- Facilitating approval process with FSCA
- Facilitating training between provider and employer portal
- Client communication strategy
- Initiate transfer process
Day-today management
- First point of call for members on employee benefit pension fund solution
- Month-to-month admin assistance (Employer Portal)
- Facilitate the claims and withdrawal process
- Personal finance advice (investment vehicles, retirement projections)
- Life event advice (marriage, baby, divorce, retire)
- Ongoing member education and training
- Annual investment report including:
- Contribution details
- Portfolio selections
- Asset allocation
- Performance evaluation
- Fees and cost
- Member additions, exits and approaching retirement
- Facilitate annual pension and risk re-evaluation
Pension solutions
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